There was a Calling from Police office, a man, yes, The man's Voice I listened. He said : I invited You, Ustadz to come here to preach in the Police office's Mosque. I answered : What was the tittle of preach ? He answered : about New year of Muharrom.
I said : It's a good idea. Because at the time Muharrom 1st, 1431 H. "Happy New Year" for all.
I preached : We hoped this day is better than the last day. We added our spiritual action in truth way. We'll add relation. We must be good relation for Allah SWT and for all the Humen. we increase friendship and always pray of Allah SWT sothat we'll be given Healtness, faithness, and so on in OUr life.
Another experience :
I preached of Khutbah in Nurul Jannah Masjid ( Bt Mate'ne ). I preached about : Islam People are Brothers one and others. Make peace between of all, please. After, Friday Prayer (sholat Jum'ah) I took Dialogue with Jamaah or The Committee of Nurul Jannah Masjid in Bt Mate'ne. We must preach until die. in Preach and Death...death in Preach (Da'wah).