Ramda and her Friend stand beside Sam. They are very happy in Takalar Town together Sam from Austria
Sujarwati and Sam are happy,
Good Action in front of the Course
Getting interest to communicate

All activities in the Class of SSECC
Wawan and Yusuf smile and
be happy
To combine meeting in
H MakkatangSquare
Still Continue from the Meeting
Out Door Class
They are getting paying attention
for the Meeting
Mr Hasbi and John from
Amaerica join to teach the
Mr John and two prettygirls : Ramda and Sri
The Tourist from America
to tell a story for all Students
This Tourist is from Belgium,
to smile
You see a Tourist rises his
hand for SSECC'S Students.
Tourist is from Holland to
enjoy with Students
Andi Rikzan dan Afdhal while get

All Students like to leave
the Meeting
Dian and Nanda are very
small girls to follow the Out
Door Class.

They while discuse one and
They determine to the Topic of

You see Iffah (Mr Hasbi's child),
to stand beside Mr Sam from Austria
Nangro and dian , what do
You look at ?

All fictures are good as experience
for Sam in Indonesia
They were still together Sam,
but Now, Sam was gone

Wawan, Hello, Peace ... Sam
Hello, Why are you quite, sir ?

Mr Sam while teachs the Students
Mr Sam are very fluently...
Iffah when is still small doughter.

Mr Hasbi and Tourist from
Twice : Mr from Holland wants
to get photoes

The Tourists from Holland
are very Funny
A Tourist from Holland is very interesting with the cheerful
of Indonesian people

Mr Hasbi is a Leader of

Miss Ramda and Nurmujahidah
They like to leave Out Door Class

Dillah and Iffah ...
Adilah sits over there...

EnjoyMeeting in Roterdam Fort
Hello, Iffah...

Walid and Zein pay attention the Meeting

Hanif and his Father
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