Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Nasehat ISLAMI

Bukannya saya menyesali keberadaanku di dunia, namun sangatlah memilukan perjalanan hidup bila disadari bahwa kita ini akan kemana nantinya apakah selamat atau celaka di akhirat ?

Kita masih saja sering tertawa dalam kehidupan padahal kita pasti menghadap padanya. Betapa besar tanggung jawab kita dihadapannya. Yang mengadili yang Maha Adil yakni Allah, yang tidak ada satupun tersisa pertanyaan untuk kita mengenai kehidupan kita.

Teramat heran saya melihat orang yang tertawa terus menerus walaupun berada dalam gelimang dosa. AstaghfiruLLAH, berhati-hatilah dalam hidup yang 1 kali saja. Bila gagal di sini menghadap Allah dengan berlinang air mata dan keringat menanti keputusan  Allah Rabbul 'alamin.

Abu Bakar assiddiq radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu pernah berkata : Alangkah baiknya sekiranya aku diciptakan sebagai rumput, bila dimakan binatang habis perkara, tidak ada masalah lagi. Tapi karena aku sebagai manusia harus bertanggung jawab di akhirat. Coba bayangkan orang yang paling baik amalannya saja masih takut pada hari pertanggung jawaban di akhirat. Allahu Akbar, astaghfiruLLAH.

Thursday, November 8, 2018



Mr Abdullah had three sons, the oldest was Ali, the second was Ahmad and the youngest was Hasan. He loved hid sons very much amf he wanted them to be good Muslims when they grew up. As a father, Mr Abdullah was a good Muslim so that his sons could regard him as their model.

One day, Mr Abdullah tested his sons to know their belief in Allah. He gave his sons some cske and asked them to eat it in a place where no one could see them. Ali took the cake and he went to his room. He shut the door and ate the cake. He thought that no one could see him. Ahmad went to a cave near his house. It was dark in the cave. He was sure that nobody was there who could see him.He ate the cake in darkness of the cake. Hasan thought and thought about finding a place where nobody could see him. He thought that there was no such place. He remembered that Allah could always see him. So he did not eat the cake.

Ali and Ahmad came back to their father and told him about what they did. Hasan came back and returned the cake to his father and said that there was no place which was secret from Allah. Mr Abdullah was very pleased with their brother, Hasan. He said that Allah knew everything, saw everything and was with them all the time. So, It was said, they should not do anything bad even in secret.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018




Praise be to Allah, lord of the worlds, because Allah Subhanahu wata'ala gives all, Allah gives life, health, material, and so on, all are from Allah Subhanahu wa ta 'ala.
Greetings and salawat for prophet Muhammad shoLLALLahu alaihi wa sallam (peace be upon him)

All Muslim are brothers in sentences, syahadah : I testify : There is no God but Allah, and I testify : Muhammad is messenger of Allah

I want to explain about Islam.

The Word Islam, which is derived from Arabic, means to accept, to follow and to obey. In other words, Islam is following Allah, the Master. Allah is our creator and Master in this worlds and life after death.

Our success in life relies fully on following the Master. Therefore, we must all obey Allah's commands, either in words or in deeds. But Allah has let us be free to obey or not to obey Allah. Life is like a test. The successful test taker is one who obeys Allah. In other words, the real success in this life and life after death is in obeying Allah. True peace also lies only in following Allah.

The word Islam also means PEACE. Therefore, Islam means both obidience to Allah and peace. Islam seeks peace through obidience to Allah, the Creator and the Master. Islam is religion from Allah which leads its followers to gain true peace.
